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501.0575 Weight-Loss Consumer Bill of Rights.

Last updated December 2nd, 2023

The Weight-Loss Consumer Bill of Rights outlines important provisions to protect individuals participating in weight-loss programs. Here are the key points:


1. **Warning about Rapid Weight Loss**: Rapid weight loss, defined as more than 1.5 to 2 pounds per week or more than 1 percent of body weight per week after the second week, may lead to serious health problems.


2. **Consultation with a Physician**: Consumers are advised to consult their personal physician before starting any weight-loss program.


3. **Promotion of Permanent Lifestyle Changes**: Long-term weight loss is best achieved through permanent lifestyle changes such as healthy food choices and increased physical activity.


4. **Access to Provider Qualifications**: Consumers have the right to request and receive information about the qualifications of the weight-loss provider.


5. **Rights of Consumers**: Consumers have the following rights:

   - Ask questions about potential health risks, nutritional content, psychological support, and educational components of the program.

   - Receive an itemized statement of the actual or estimated price of the program, including additional products, services, supplements, examinations, and laboratory tests.

   - Know the actual or estimated duration of the program.

   - Know the name, address, and qualifications of the dietitian or nutritionist who has reviewed and approved the program.


Additionally, the bill specifies the formatting requirements for displaying and distributing copies of the Weight-Loss Consumer Bill of Rights, including the font size and style for signs and palm-sized copies.


This bill aims to ensure transparency, informed decision-making, and protection of consumer rights within the context of weight-loss programs.

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